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当社取扱商品の修理をご希望のお客様は、下記修理依頼にご記入をお願いいたします。 ※ 弊社からご購入頂いていない商品のサポートは、 メーカーからのRMA情報が必要、前金での対応など、申し込み内容が異なりますので、 下記修理依頼申し込み後、RMAメールお送り時に対応方法をご連絡いたします。


  1. 下記修理依頼の申し込みをお願いします。
  2. 当社から、RMA番号を記載したメールをお送りします。
    ■ 商品発送の場合:
    「商品お預かり方法」“当社本社へ発送”にチェックをしてください。 RAM番号が記載されたメールを梱包箱 もしくは 送状伝票にRMA番号を記入し、下記住所までお送りください。

    〒108-0023 東京都港区芝浦2-14-5 ユニベル田町ビル5F 株式会社RAID 修理担当者宛
    ■ 商品をお持込の場合:
    「商品お預かり方法」 “当社本社へ持込” にチェックをしてください。 RAM番号が記載されたメールと一緒お持ちください。
    ■ 代替機材をご希望の場合
    代替機材は、当社からご購入のユーザー様で 保証内修理の場合、無償対応します。
    保証外修理の場合は、レンタル費1日分 にて対応します ※台数に制限があり、お貸出し出来ないケースもございます。
    詳細は “代替機材申込規約” にてご確認ください。
  3. 修理商品を受取後、修理診断を行います。 輸出入の諸経費についてはこちら  
    ※ メーカーでの修理対応が必要となった場合は、事前にご連絡致します。  
    ※ メーカーでの修理対応期間が過ぎた商品は、修理対応ができない場合があります。
  4. 修理見積をメールにてご連絡します。  
    ※ 弊社以外でのご購入商品は、取扱手数料が発生します。
  5. 修理を実行する場合には、ご注文書を頂き次第、対応いたします。  
    ※ 代替機をご使用中の場合は、ご返答期間設定がありますのでご注意ください。
  6. 修理を実行しない場合には、修理診断費をご請求いたします。 ご入金確認後、商品のご返却をします。  
    ※ 修理診断費用が発生しない場合には、送料着払いでご返却します。
  7. 修理完了後、メールにて商品の発送(ピックアップ対応)を行います。  
    ※ 修理費用 10,000円以下 の御請求の場合は、送料着払いでご返却します。



※Boltは、Bolt Pro 300、Bolt 2000については、修理受付しておりません。
Bolt 500XTシリーズ前のBolt 500、Bolt 1000、Bolt 3000についても生産終了パーツ在庫なしの為、修理受付しておりません。








    ※ 弊社からご購入いただいていない商品に関しては、






























    • 保証期間外の修理に関しましては、修理を行わなかった場合には、修理診断費用が発生します。

    • 故障内容によりましては、保証内でも有償になる場合がございます。

    • 修理できない商品もございます。

    • 他社様にてご購入商品の修理については、取扱手数料が10,000円(税抜)かかります。

    • Hollyland社の商品は、弊社から販売したもののみ修理させて頂いております。






    Repair and Maintenance Request

    In the event of product failure, please follow the repair request procedure below.

    Repair request procedure

    1. Please fill out the repair request below.
    2. We will send you an e-mail with your RMA (Return Merchandize Authorization) number. You will need to print out this e-mail to include with your unit. If you need a substitute device, let us know.We will contact you after confirming its availability.
    3. Shipping:Please clearly mark the shipping label or with your RMA number. Carrying in:Please clearly write down the RMA number on a sheet of paper and attach it to your unit.
    4. We will provide you an estimate by e-mail after evaluation. ※Import and export expenses will be charged separately when our technicians determined that repair needs to be conducted by original manufacturers. ※Handling fee is charged for products that are not purchased from RAID.
      • Once you approve the estimate and repair work:As soon as you place an order, we will proceed with the repair.
      • If you choose not to repair the unit:There will be an evaluation fee and we will return your unit after payment. If there is no evaluation fee, we will return the unit.
    5. After the repair is completed, we will contact you by e-mail for shipment (pick-up) of your unit.

    If you have any questions, please contact us.


      ※By choosing “Today” from the calendar, today’s date is entered.

      MandatoryPlease choose your issue

      MandatoryProducts information


      MandatoryModel number

      MandatoryDevice Serial Number(s)
      ※ Please enter your "serial number".
       Please enter "None" for products that do not have a serial number.


      (4000 characters or less)

      MandatoryWarranty Status

      ※ If it is under warranty, please attach your warranty card or a photo of your warranty card.

      OptionalAre you a member of the RAID original support program?

      MandatoryHow can we receive your unit?

      ※ If you select "Bring to our shop", your desired date and time.

      ※ If you select "Other", please enter your desired method.

      MandatoryDo you need a substitute device?

      (Limited to customers who purchased the unit from RAID. Free of charge during the warranty period)

      OptionalCompany Name

      MandatoryContact Name

      MandatoryPhone Number(that can be contacted during the day)

      MandatoryYour email address

      MandatoryYour email address(For Confirmation)

      ※ Your e-mail address (For Confirmation)Please enter without copy & paste.

      MandatoryWhere did you purchase the unit?

      ※ If you select "Other", please enter from whom you purchased your unit.

      OptionalShipping Postal Code

      ※ Please enter your address in Japan. If not, you can leave it blank.

      OptionalReturn Shipping Address

      ※ Please enter your address in Japan. If not, you can leave it blank.
      OptionalShipping Prefecture

      OptionalShipping Address

      OptionalShipping Address (apartment, building etc.)


      If you have a photo that shows damage, stains, error screens, etc., please attach it.
      Judgment of acceptance of initial defects and calculation of repair costs will be smooth.
      (JPG, PNG only. Up to 5MB per sheet)

      MandatoryAbout data handling

      We do not back up data on your unit.
      In the course of repair work, recorded data may be lost or recording media may be replaced.
      If the unit you send us contains any data, please back it up in advance.


      For repairs outside the warranty period, even if repairs are not performed, repair evaluation fee be incurred.


      There may be a repair charge even during the warranty period depending upon status/ condition.
      Some products cannot be repaired.

      About personal information protection policy

      After agreeing to the handling of Personal Information Protection Policy, press the "To the contents confirmation screen" button.

      " RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment" asks users to provide the minimum amount of personal information so that users can use it without any concern.
      " RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment" pays the utmost attention to the protection of the personal information you provide us. 
      " RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment"’s idea of personal information protection is as follows.
         ■   for information on individuals, organizations, and corporations registered by members, we will use it only to develop and provide cutting-edge functions and services in " RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment” and pay close attention to the protection of member personal information. 
         ■   The scope of this private policy is only for services provided in " RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment". (The scope is stipulated in paragraph 1 below)
         ■   Except as specified in these Terms, we will not use it for any purpose other than the purpose. (The purpose is stipulated in paragraph 2 below.)
         ■   We will not disclose to third parties unless specified in these Terms. (Management is stipulated in paragraph 2 below.)
         ■   We will regularly manage the system in the way stipulated in these Terms.
         ■   The “RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment" may change the privacy policy without members’ permission.
              When the " RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment" makes any changes to the contents of personal information acquisition, changes in usage methods, changes in disclosure contents, etc., we will notify you by disclosing it in the notice on our website and reflecting it in this policy so that users can know the contents.
      1.The scope of the " RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment" private policy. 
         ■   The “RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment" private policy is applied when the members use the services available on our web site.  
         ■   The personal information that is collected when members use services at the " RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment" is handled according to its private policy. 
         ■   The “RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment" private policy is applied only to services that are directly provided on the " RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment" website only. Services provided by other organization, companies etc. that are linked to the website, are out of scope of the private policy. 
         ■  The use of services available at the " RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment" website shall be at the users’ responsibility.
         ■   The " RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment" is not responsible for any damage caused by the use of acquired information from our website and other websites linked to this website.
      2.Collection and use of personal information at the " RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment" 
         " RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment" requires some personal information about members to develop and provide state-of-the-art features and services to members. 
         ■   Please manage the ID and password of the shop at your own risk.
              - We recommend that you change your password regularly and avoid names, dates of birth, phone numbers, etc. that are easy for others to guess.
              - In addition, please do not disclose, lend, transfer, etc. to your friends or acquaintances.
              - Do not write your password in the inquiry e-mail or Q&A on our website.
         ■   The collected personal information will only be used to provide the services of "RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment" and will not be provided to any third party except in the following cases: 
         ■   With the consent of the members 
           - Sending an e-mail from a member requesting consent for the use of personal information. 
              - Companies that have concluded confidentiality agreements with the Company in advance (e.g., subcontractors).
              - When sending e-mail or direct mail to a member for advertising by the Company or our business alliance, etc. 
              - When it is found necessary to protect the rights and property of other members, third parties or the Company as a result of acts of members of the " RAID WEB SHOP for import and sales of shooting and video equipment" violates the policy, notices and the terms and conditions of the website, 
              - When disclosure of personal information is requested in accordance with the regulations of laws, such as orders from courts and administrative organs or investigation of crimes, elimination or prevention of infringement of rights against third parties, or other similar needs. 
         ■   Members agree in advance to use personal information in the method specified above and shall not state their objections.
         ■   We may share your personal information with our business partners in the following cases: 
              - When there is a business reason, such as a special service for members.
               In this case, we will ask for the consent of the member before providing the information and will not provide it without consent. 
              - When creating statistical materials, conducting market research, analyzing data, etc. 
               In this case, we will provide only the information processed so that it is not possible to distinguish a specific individual. 
      3. Contact 
          If you have any questions about the personal information, please email us at the following address.
         In charge of Personal Information Management :  info@raid-japan.co.jp

      ********The "confirmation screen" is not displayed.********
      Please check again for any leaks in the above contents and images, and press "Send with the above contents".

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